NAAMTA Safety Initiative: NAAMTA Safety Initiative Home
The NAAMTA vision for safety


When I started writing the NAAMTA standards and storyboarding the business model, it became apparent that I needed something more than standards.  My research had told me that Operators wanted to be part of shaping the industry. The second "A" in "NAAMTA" stands for "ALLIANCE". What that meant is that our alliance members became the Board of Directors, if NAAMTA was considering changing things as far as standards and industry best practioce proceedures the ALLIANCE could advise.  

    As NAAMTA has grown it has become important to bring this concept back; the alliance needs to begin the collaboration with regards to safety.  As we audit throughout the world it is apparent that other than Quality Management, Safety is the section of the NAAMTA standards that most organizations have trouble with.  After many discussions with safety officers and managers it is apparent most have no clue to the extent of a really good Safety management system should look like... and if they do know, they cant seem to organize and implement the plan... and if they dont know how can they get the buy-in from upper level management?

    It is because of these short comings that NAAMTA is soliciting Alliance members to start the safety discussion. The plan of organization we are using is the ISO 45001:2012 standards. I think as you develop your plan start with those standards that you are currently using... use the format is there as an example.. as your plan takes shape take on another section of the ISO 45001, soon your plan will be one that your company will be proud of.


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  3. Click the standard to review the posted information. 
  4. At the bottom of the standard, a link is available to reply to the topic. 
    1. As you research your own plan, please document it in the topic area.
    2. You can also ask questions here.
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    6. Repeating this step for each category, is a good way to stay engaged.